Playground AI Apollo

All cryptocurrency projects on X, aggregated and ranked - Access made effortless.

Apollo identifies about 100 cryptocurrency project accounts daily on X, ranking each one to give users insights into their social media prominence and status. Additionally, Apollo is designed as a Telegram bot to enhance accessibility and speed up the delivery of analytical results.

Project Lookup

Project Lookup

Project Lookup

Streamlines project search via detailed access with X links or handles.

Delivers in-depth project summaries and insights through the Playground AI Model.

Forecasts crypto narratives and blockchain trends using X and linked content analytics.

Top monthly and daily

Top monthly and daily

Top monthly and daily

Top Monthly: Displays the most credible projects of the month, providing users with a strategic overview of long-term market trends and highlight consistently growing, influential, and engaging projects.

Top Daily: Provides daily updates on newly discovered projects, offering users immediate insights into recent launches, major announcements, or sudden increases in popularity.

gainers and trending

gainers and trending

gainers and trending

Gainers: Pinpoints projects experiencing substantial ranking improvements across different timeframes, spotlighting increased interest.

Trending: Monitors projects gathering hype, assisting in spotting up-and-coming projects within the crypto landscape.

filter search projects

filter search projects

filter search projects

Tailored searches for crypto genres, blockchain types, and time periods, ranked with the pRank Algorithm.

Searches specific to genre and blockchain help users target areas that match their interests or expertise.